LH Students (6th - 12th Grade)

All members must fill out a Volunteer Application and consent to a criminal background screening.
If you have questions about serving at Long Hollow, please contact Kerry Hicks at kerry.hicks@longhollow.com or (615) 824-4006 x175.
We ask our Student Ministry Volunteers to be LH Members of at least three months, to submit the volunteer application, to comply to a background check, and to abstain from alcohol during their season of serving.

Current Opportunities

Life Group Leader– Lead a life group each Sunday with our High School or Middle School students. Contact students throughout the week.
Counselor– Provide one-on-one counseling with students after they make a spiritual decision.
Decision Follow-Up Team– Assist our Student Staff with contacting students who have made spiritual decisions.
Security– Assist in special events to give directions and provide crowd control.
Event Registration– Check students in for events and give them information.
Greeting– Welcome and greet students as they enter our doors.
Host/Hostess– Provide supervision of students and ensure facilities are treated properly.
Check-In– Assist with check-in and provide information for students.
Set Up/Tear Down– Assist with functions for setting up before and after events. This will include cleaning up after events.
Student Java– Work in the Student cafe serving food and drinks. May require early set-up and clean up. Requires accounting of money.
Volunteer Coordinator (Couples)–Couples assigned to volunteer by grade to communicate and assist.

Additional Resources

Opportunity Details:
